MP3 Audiobook: “No Time to Lose” by Pema Chordon for $9.49

If you prefer to get audiobooks in DRM-free mp3 format (instead of the DRM of Audible), you can get the audiobook “No Time To Lose” by Pema Chordon for just $9.49 on Google Play. This runs over 12 hours long. The mp3 files are organized in audio CD format, each audio CD is transferred to a single mp3 file, so you get 11 hourlong+ (on average) mp3 files.

This is not narrated by Pema Chodron, but by a Better Listen narrator. It is a reading of this ebook which averages 4.6 out of 5 based on nearly 80 customer reviews at Amazon.

Unless you have free Audible credits, this is a very very good price for the audiobook!