Bonus Stars Dash on Protein Bistro Boxes

This promotion is mostly good for fans of the Protein Bistro boxes, meaning, if you had already been buying them, this promotion can get you some bonus points. As usual, it is YMMV (I don’t know how many people get invited to these) and you have to manually press the “Join the Dash” button in your email invitation to start earning.

You have to buy four protein bistro boxes between April 11-17 in 2017. If you do, you will earn 75 Bonus Stars, which are 60% of a full reward. So it doesn’t make sense to buy these for the reward. A bistro box is $5+, so at best this offer would effectively be (when you do the star equivalency math) a “Buy 5 Get 1 Free” type of thing.

As far as I can tell, getting a protein bistro box by redeeming a previously earned reward will NOT get you a count towards your four, but I haven’t tested it out.