Time flies and already, if you have a Discover credit card, you can pre-signup for the Q1 of 2017 5% cashback bonus rewards categories. The earning period is the usual calendar quarter, January 1st until March 31st in 2017. Don’t wait until the last day of the quarter though, as some of the transactions may not get in the system on time to earn the rewards.
Amazon is no longer going to be featured, so if you want to still get 5%, simply buy Amazon gift cards in Q4 2016 (if you are still under $1500 for your card).
The categories are pretty good though for Q1:2017, you get Gas Stations (almost everyone with a car needs gas), wholesale clubs (Costco doesn’t accept Discover, so by default it is not eligible), and ground transportation (but travel agencies or travel aggregators are not eligible). You can find a detailed list of what exactly is eligible and ineligible on the Discover website.
Some of the notable exclusions: gas stations at superstores/supermarkets may not be eligible (only way to tell for sure is try it and do the math in your statement).
If you have multiple Discover credit cards, good news, the $1500 limit is per account, not per person/SSN.