We continue to check the hot new promotion that is the Amazon Sampler Boxes, restricted to Prime members only. We already covered the $10 Protein Sampler and the $5 Snack Sampler but there’s a third box that is related, this time it is a $5 Snack Bar Sample Box. You will receive at least five samples. There may (or may not) be some overlap with the other two categories in terms of sample uniqueness, but they are all edible 🙂
Just like before, when you reach the last step in the Checkout page (see screenshot with drawings above), you will get confirmation in the main section of the shopping cart that your order is eligible for this promotion. But that’s not all, you also get a confirmation in the right sidebar, below your order total (screenshot below):
So double confirmation. About one week after the order ships to you, you will receive an email from Amazon telling you that a $5 credit has been applied to your account. When that credit is added, you can use it to purchase items from this list of nearly 300 items. As usual, these must be sold and shipped by Amazon actual, so no marketplace sellers are eligible. It has to be the proper Amazon.
As of posting time, I am just buying these, so I can’t know for certain until they all arrive, but there might be some overlap between the various items eligible for redemption and the various credits might get pooled together, so you might be able to spend your credits in one super order.
Again, this speculation at this point in time (5/17/16). The good with these offers is that you can add items to cart and see whether the discount applies or not. So you can do trial and error to figure out the best combination for your particular needs. See how it was done a couple of months ago for the K-Cup offer.