Farscape Complete Series on BluRay for $65

If you are a fan of space-based scifi television and you haven’t watched Farscape yet, what are you doing? Drop everything and start watching! This was a boldly going TV series that dared to try all kinds of things that were at the time unheard of (I won’t go into spoilers here). Regardless, this is not a movie review blog, so to the sale we go, you can get the complete series on BluRay for $65 at Amazon by Amazon actual with a limit of three per customer.

This came out at a time when TV seasons were 20+ episodes long, so the four seasons included here included 88 episodes! (see epguides for breakdown). Note however that this set does not include the mini-series “Peacekeeper Wars” which is sold separately. This mini-series was in a way in compressed form of what would have been the fifth and final season.