Free Digital HD movie (limited time): The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)

If you like free Digital HD movies, we have good news for you! FandangoNow (formerly MGo, which is the service that picked up the remnants of Samsung’s pre-Milk video service) is offering for free in digital HD the 2007 “The Bourne Ultimatum”. Simply add it to cart with your FandangoNow account and it will show as $0.00. Here’s a screenshot of the shopping cart:


This is digital ownership, not a rental. You can watch it as long as the FandangoNow service is alive or Ultraviolet is alive, so there’s some extra protection there 🙂 Offer ends 7/17/16 at 11:59pm pacific.

PS: you can find and link your Ultraviolet to FandangoNow by going to the LIBRARY menu and clicking on Ultraviolet. As usual with anything that the entertainment industry is involved, it is slightly convoluted as to which one of your shows and movies show up in which Ultraviolet compatible services. Because why keep it simple when you can have it be all complicated? 🙂