New Starbucks Bonus Stars Bingo a great way to pile up Stars for regular customers

If you are a regular Starbucks customer, you may be able to pile up on Bonus Stars, up to 300 total, if you participate in the new Starbucks Bonus Stars Bingo. You have to manually opt-in to the promotion by clicking on the email or app message for the offer.

Once you do, you have a grid of nine bubbles, each one a “challenge”. You earn 10 bonus stars for each challenge you complete, and bonus stars if you complete three vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines. If you complete the whole board, you will get 300 bonus stars total.

The “challenges” are things like “place three mobile orders” and “visit four different stores” and “buy something before and after 12pm on the same time” and so forth.

The promotion runs until April 3 in 2017, so you have plenty of time to complete the various challenges. Especially if you strategically combine promotions that get you checkmarks on multiple bubbles.

On the website over there, click on each bubble to get a detail on the challenge. Their website is mobile optimized, so you can check from your smartphone. The only annoyance is that you have to login every time 🙁