Prime members with Prime Store Card: $50 off the Amazon Echo with coupon

This is a bit of a “deep cut” deal, since it has a double conditional. If you are an Amazon Prime member, and if you have the Amazon Prime Store card (not the Chase VISA, but a store credit card for Prime members), then you can use coupon code ECHODEAL to get a $50 off discount on the Amazon Echo. You can also take advantage of this promotion by applying on the spot and getting approved for the Prime Store Credit card. The Echo regular price is $180, minus coupon = $130.

NOTE: there are two Amazon Store cards. The regular store card is available to everyone who applies and gets approved. Prime members can get a special version of the Amazon Store card, the Prime Store card that has the additional benefit of 5% rewards on every Amazon purchase charged to it. The 5% back is unconditional. You can either select the 5% or select promotional financing (but not both).