PrimePantry: $10 off $75+ coupon {also (YMMV) $5 slow shipping credit w/regular Amazon orders}

As Amazon continues to make a push for their Prime Pantry service, so is the continuous rollout of Prime Pantry offers. First up, if you are a Prime member and place a regular Amazon order, your shopping cart may offer you a $5 future order discount on Prime Pantry if you select the slow shipping method. I don’t know how the shopping cart decides who and when to offer this. You may also get the usual digital content $1 (more common) or $2 (less common) offers. You can only use one $5 Prime Pantry credit per offer.

Keep in mind, Prime Pantry has a $6 flat shipping per Prime Pantry box (whether it’s full or not).

Next up, a straight up coupon discount for Prime Pantry orders. Code PANTRY10 gets you $10 off an order of $75+. The coupon offer expires 8/16/15. Here’s a screenshot of the offer:
